Embracing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at Leigh Place

At 30 June 2021, across all mainstream aged care services, 33% of people were born overseas, of whom 66% were born in non-English-speaking countries. Significant proportions of people using aged care services had preferred languages other than English – 9% in permanent residential aged care, 17% in home care and 10% in home support.

At Leigh Place, we recognise that every elderly person has different needs based on their life experiences, personal characteristics and identities, cultural and ethnic background, religion, sexuality, and more.

We are committed to providing care and services that are culturally safe, inclusive, equitable and accessible, reflecting the diversity of our community and meeting the diverse needs of the people we serve.

We strive to ensure that all Leigh Place stakeholders, including residents, employees and volunteers feel safe, heard and understood – a place where everyone is welcome!