How Leigh Place is preparing for the Strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards

At Leigh Place, we welcome the upcoming changes to the Aged Care Quality Standards as a reflection of our commitment to providing the highest quality of care and services to our residents in an environment of care, compassion, community and choice.

We are therefore actively preparing for the introduction of the strengthened Standards in 2025.

The Aged Care Quality Standards are a set of guidelines and rules established by the government regulator to ensure quality care and services for older Australians and their families. These Standards provide a common understanding of the level of care and services expected from aged care providers. All government-funded aged care providers must adhere to these Standards, and compliance is monitored by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission.

There are seven main Standards under review, each focusing on a different aspect of care:

Standard 1: The Person

This Standard emphasises the importance of person-centred care, which promotes dignity, respect, privacy, and quality of life, empowering individuals to make choices and maintain their independence.

Standard 2: The Organisation

This Standard outlines the expectations for providers to meet regulatory benchmarks in areas such as quality management, risk management, emergency and incident management, workforce planning, and communication.

Standard 3: Care and Services

This Standard details how care should be delivered, including assessment, planning, and coordination to ensure high-quality service.

Standard 4: The Environment

This Standard ensures that the physical environment where care is provided is clean, safe, and meets the needs of individuals.

Standard 5: Clinical Care

This Standard emphasizes the responsibility of providers to deliver safe and quality care through a clinical governance framework. It includes specific areas such as dementia care, palliative care, and end-of-life care.

Standard 6: Food and Nutrition

This Standard focuses on the importance of food and nutrition in improving the quality of life for older people, promoting an inclusive and supportive dining experience that accommodates personal choices and preferences.

Standard 7: The Residential Community

This Standard ensures that older people have opportunities to remain connected to their community and engage in activities that provide a sense of purpose and normalcy.

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